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August 9th The Dehon Era in Sherwood Forest: The Dream (1959-1990) by Margaret and Gus Napier.

August 23rd Sherwood Forest: Our area Ecosystem by Jennifer Ruppert Presentations start at 7:00pm with an opportunity for questions at the end. Light refreshments served after the hour long event All area residents and guests are most welcome.


Look for that one special item you want to donate to the annual Auction at and for the Cedar Mountain Community Center which will be held on Monday August 8th. This is always great fun, and proceeds benefit the upkeep of our great community center. Come by 6pm if you are bringing an item to donate otherwise please have a covered dish in place by 6:15pm so we can eat together at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited. Come out and support your center.

BID ON "WOODY" Woody, the wooden man created by David Brown, has been watching over Cedar Mountain from the front of Changes in Altitude arts & craft shop for over a year. Woody (aka: Wally, due to the walnut wood used) is giving up his "post" this month and will be donated to the Cedar Mountain Community Center and sold to the highest bidder at their annual auction on Monday, August 8th.

MOUNTAIN GOURD GATHERING The 6th annual "Mountain Gourd Gathering" will be held in Cedar Mountain at the Rocky Hill Family Life Center building on Hwy. 276 just 3/10 mile past the fire department. Dates this year are Thursday afternoon and all-day Friday & Saturday, August 18th through 20th. Visitors welcome. Come see what can be done to the hard-shell gourd. Already cleaned gourds will be available for purchase too, as well as art supplies. Christine Pace is host and can be reached at (828)885-2103. To sign up for a class or to see what will be taught go to the web site and click on each day & morning or afternoon:

CMFRD BBQ The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department is having a fund raising BBQ lunch again this year on Saturday August 20th between the hours of 11am to 2pm. For just $10 per plate you get a full meal and benefit CMFRD at the same time. Gourd gathering students and teachers always order from them and all say it is delicious.


There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive at the fire department as well on Saturday August 20th, from 8:30am to noon. You can give blood and follow it with a good meal.

CHURCH HOMECOMING Rocky Hill Baptist Church holds their "Homecoming" the 4th Sunday in August each year, and this year's date is Sunday August 28th beginning at 10:30am. Bring a covered-dish to share for lunch to the Family Life Center next door first, and one of the kitchen workers will keep it warm or cool for you. Rocky Hill church will also provide meat. Special music this year is provided by Issac's Well, a fairly new and already-popular gospel group with Myron Bishop as one of the members. Myron is brother to Lenoir and Wayne Bishop from here; known as the singing Bishop brothers. Call Dr. Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill church at (828)862-5611 for more information. Dr. Oliver Skerret will give this year's Homecoming message. If you wish to share a brief memory or a song please let Christine Pace know at (828)885-2103.

AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Lot's of birthdays in August. If yours is not here please let Linda or Christine know. Here's what we have so far: Barbara Jones celebrated her birthday on Monday August 1st. Hilda Riddick celebrated on August 3rd and her husband John will celebrate on the 8th. Bob Streeper was born on the 9th, and Walker Crosby on the 10th. Debbie Pace Bracken celebrates on August 7th as does her cousin Randy Pace. Cassie Neal will turn another year older on August 19th, as will David Brown. Lou Ann Dent will celebrate on the 14th. Robin Bishop's birthday is August 23rd. Marjorie Rackley will celebrate on the 30th. Happy birthday to all and God bless you.


Celebrating many year's of wedded bliss will be Walker & Pam Crosby on August 21st. That's the same day Lee & Lorrie Smith were wed. And on August 31st Wayne & Robin Bishop will celebrate their anniversary.


Shamble Scramble, Back 9 - Team of Cherie Hennig, Ida Smith, Patty Pike & Lin Kolb - 92.25


Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website has a wealth of information about Cedar Mountain; a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more.


On a recent visit to Graveyard Fields I encountered a gentleman riding a cool Spyder motorcycle. His riding partner was a large stuffed Snoopy dog. When I joked about his rider, he said that it was a good partner, never complained or needed pit stop.

We’d love to hear your story or news if you would like to share. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

Please email with any news or questions.

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