If you haven’t already gotten yours - run don’t walk to get one. Most drug stores are offering them. If you are a senior it is recommended you get a pneumonia shot as well if you haven’t already. Many who have died from the flu died from pneumonia. Better be safe than sorry.
I got mine – did you?
MOUNTAIN WEATHER We again had a "gully washer" this past week. By now most of us know which roads to avoid due to water crossing. Luckily the trees seem to be standing through this drenching, though I imagine soil around the roots is really soft now. If you lost power or a tree let us know.
Being in the mountains like we are, and surrounded by many more mountains, some storm events such as hurricanes are often deferred around us. If you're into photography you may have gotten some great waterfall photos during our storms? Send us a picture please!
Luckily our temp's were rather high, so we didn't have to contend with ice this time. What a winter we've had! CHRISTINE'S CORNER This should read Christine's "slushy" corner! I am grateful for a carport that is so large it could fit a Winnebago under it! And it's attached to my house, so I don't have to get wet getting into my car our out when I return; it's great when I have groceries to haul inside. But this past Saturday it rained so hard and the winds were so strong I actually had a wet front porch!
On Monday evening I went to my regular Weight Watcher's meeting, where the theme of the night was exercising. "What do you do for exercise?" asked our leader, to which I answered "I baby sit." My little grandson will turn four year's old in April so I go outside with him (when it's not raining) and throw a plastic baseball for him to hit, or kick a soccer ball around the yard, my walker in tow. And since I am trying to put off having hip replacements until school is out Dr. Graham has me in physical therapy twice a week. He is building up my upper body strength. In a way, having almost four month's to get ready for hip surgery is great in that it gives me time to strengthen my body!
Talking about having surgery, where I will be severely limited for a while as to how far I can bend, I am trying to find ways to re-do my kitchen. Right now I have to bend down to scoop the dry dog food out of their lidded tubs. I need to raise these up. And some dishes in my cabinets need to change locations so that only the one's I'll need during my recovery will be in reach, with the heavier and larger platters being put on top. So much to consider! I may try to teach my big golden retriever to "fetch", except that I've spent the last eight year's trying to get him not to fetch! His nose is counter high.
Finally, I will blame this wet weather on my forgetfulness lately. Monday evening I went to the grocery store with four coupons. I bought the offered items, some requiring me to purchase two of the same, then checked out and drove home only to remember then that I had not used my coupons! It's been that kind of week. Hope those reading this, far and near, are having a safe and dry week, getting ready to soon "come out of the woodwork" and see each other again at the first community center meeting. I'll be there!
I can’t help but comment on what Christine said about the weather. She said “What a winter we’ve had”! We’ve had it pretty good compared with all the heavy snow and multi vehicle pileups further north. I’ve only had to scoop a path once (so far) this winter.
I know Punxsutawney Phil and Pisgah Pete saw their shadows meaning 6 more weeks of winter. However my crocuses don’t agree and will probably bloom next week. I noticed my chive plant is putting out shoots as well. After receiving 2 gardening books I am itching to get my fingers in the soil. Last summer was a bust because of knee surgery but I hope to get out and get dirty this year.
The promise of spring has put me in a cleaning mood and I have taken 2 boxes of “unwantables” and “unneedables” to my vehicle for donation. I need to fill a lot more. I found a nice winter billed hat in my front closet that I didn’t know I had. It also went in the box. Lots more to go.
What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by 6 pm on Monday next week. Photos are welcome as well.