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Sarah Dearbaugh would like to invite you to her painting classes. There will be a Monet’s Mimosa Day Paint + Sip Saturday, February 22 at11 am and a Leap Day Paint + Sip Saturday February 29 4:00 pm-6:30 pm. For more information and to register for events, visit our website at CEDAR MOUNTAIN FIRE RESCUE BLOOD DRIVE

A blood drive will be held on Saturday February 22 from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. You will be rewarded with homemade cookies and the knowledge that your donation may have saved a life.


There will be a free pancake breakfast March 14th at the station. The menu will be pancakes (choc chip, blueberry and plain) and sausage, juice, milk and coffee. Donations will be gladly accepted.



Cedar Mountain Small Area Planning Committee will develop a land use management perspective that strives to balance the areas natural beauty, historically and cultural resources with responsible commercial and private development. The Committee respects the evolution of this community and its values, and will develop its management perspective by being responsive to the many voices of the Cedar Mountain citizens. The Committee reached consensus to include Solomon Jones, Haskell Jones, Rich Mountain, Reasonover, Cascade Lake, and Staton roads with Hwy 276 in community planning. Also discussed was various land use options - mixed, open, special, and prohibited and approved. Hazardous waste, radioactive waste, and adult entertainment as prohibited was also discussed. The legality of further limiting/prohibiting additional “special use” activities (and others) will be reviewed by a Transylvania lawyer by the February meeting. HEADS UP!

Index cards will be utilized at the next meeting to facilitate the collection of questions and comments from the public. Transylvania County is working to establish a progress update/FAQ link established for community members to access. The next Cedar Mountain Small Area Planning meeting will be held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on the last Tuesday of the month, February 25th at 6pm. The public is encouraged to attend!

DARK SKIES PROGRAM (Who does light pollution effect?)

Blue Ghost Fireflies a.k.a lightning bugs need the dark for mating and reproduction. Lost or confused migrating birds sometimes collide with buildings or circle until they drop from exhaustion. The estimate is that more than 365 million birds die trying to navigate during migration. If they survive, they lay eggs with thinner shells. Nature is changed.

Light at night disturbs Circadian rhythms, disrupts wildlife behavior, mating, and endangers some species like the sea turtles. Insect populations are diminishing due to light pollution. Artificial light at night can also negatively affect human health, increasing risks for obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, breast cancer and more.

Sherwood Forest Friends and the Cedar Mountain Community Center will present a Dark Skies program on March 28th at the CMCC at 2:00 pm. Stephan Martin from the NC Arboretum will share information with us about the concerns of light pollution and light trespass and what we can do about it. An important thing to remember is this is an environmental problem we can solve! We hope to see you there!

EASTER CANTATA The Easter cantata practice has begun at Rocky Hill Baptist Church. Anyone who wants to sing in this cantata is welcome to join with the choir, lead by Lenoir Bishop. We meet inside the church on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. You may call the church at (828) 862-5611. Rocky Hill church performs the sunrise cantata at Symmes Chapel "Pretty Place" and again in the sanctuary at the 11:00 am service on Easter Sunday. SAD LOSS Sheila Bayles of Solomon Jones Road lost her sister, Alison Dobbins of Rosman, this past Saturday. Alison fell ill quite quickly. We are so sorry for the loss of your young (50's) sister Sheila.

ON THE MEND Dr. Leland Holland, the pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist Church is still on the mend from shoulder surgery. Patty Stahl is healing nicely from knee surgery. Christine Pace is attending two physical therapy sessions each week for her neck. Others are laying low from a stomach bug or the flu, and we wish them all a speedy recovery.


The attached photo shows (the back of) Suzanne Lawson leading the Monday morning workout class in the Family Life Center building. There were 10 ladies and 1 gentleman attending this class; in the background is Lorraine Melendez & Candy Gray. Classes are from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Mondays & Wednesday’s. There is no cost. You may contact Suzanne at with any questions.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER by Christine Pace OUR WEATHER Thank goodness our winter weather is warm with all the rain we're getting! We'd be buried under yards of snow otherwise. Instead of snow ice cream, we can enjoy making mud pies. The saying is true that one stays busier after retirement than before. Ask me; ask Patty Stahl. Soon Jeanne Hayes will be saying the same as she adjusts to retirement and filling her days with "so much to do". I was in Suzanne Lawson's exercise class this past Monday and found that by missing the past two weeks I had a lot of stiff joints. I missed due to a conflict of timing as I had appointments elsewhere: physical therapy took my last two Mondays & Wednesdays, and an appointment this past Thursday with my new doctor, Stewart A. Trimble in Brevard was delightful. Getting back into my art in my spare time, I created something new: dog necklaces! I sculpted and painted various breeds on tiny jewelry gourds, less than 2" in height. I'm hoping to catch up on a few other commitments too; a window to paint for a relative, a cypress knee to paint for someone we all know, and some flowers to "arrange" for a good friend. Then its time to paint gourd birdhouses for spring!


Thanks to Christine I have resumed refinishing old furniture. She offered me a very ”tired” wooden bookcase, begging for a new look, that had been sitting in her car port since she moved in. I already had a project in the works that hadn’t been touched in months but now I am inspired to finish both projects. My workshop is barely heated though and I have to run two space heaters to make it comfortable enough to work in. I just hope I can keep up my momentum and enthusiasm.

Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d love to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.

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