The next meeting for the Cedar Mountain Rotary will be held at The Barn in Connestee Falls, 1375 Ugugu Drive, Brevard, NC at 5:30p Monday January 20th. The speaker will be Mary Scott Christfield, a member of the Pisgah Forest Rotary. She will be doing a presentation on Polio Plus, an initiative of Rotary International to eliminate Polio Worldwide. A potluck eat will follow the meeting. pic
Brevard Readers Theater will be performing on Monday, February 3 at 2 pm at Silvermont Mansion. We will be performing several original plays by Tom Loveland as well as several other selections by other authors. There is no admission charge but donations will be appreciated to help pay for printing and prop costs.
Actors are Tom Loveland, Merlyn Collings, Julie Vorus, Jim Kimzey, Peter Rogine, Heidi Gilligan, Chet Wright, Judy Patrick, Vanessa Cowie, Buddy Tompkins and Caroline Winchester.
This will be a fun afternoon of humorous readings. We hope you can join us.
A blood drive will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department at 8725 Cascade Lake Road in downtown Cedar Mountain. To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Some drives may accept walk-ins, but they may have longer wait times.
You will need to bring an ID to donate.
Who can donate: People with certain health conditions, such as sickle cell disease, HIV, cancer, or malaria, may need to consult with the donation center.
People who have received a blood transfusion within the last three months are not eligible to donate.
People taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, may be ineligible to donate.
How often can you donate?
You can donate whole blood up to six times a year, with at least eight weeks between donations.
You can donate Power Red for up to 16 weeks between donations.
Platelet aphaeresis donors can donate up to 24 times per year, with up to seven days between donations.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
We didn’t even try to go out for a few days after the snow fall. On Monday, my honey was getting “cabin fever”, went out started both cars, and efficiently let the heater melt the snow off of them. I took a little gas but much less effort and when he stopped at the end of the driveway the rest of the snow slid off the top (in our subdivision). Stepping on the gas dumped more off the back. We don’t recommend doing this on the highway.
We hadn’t gotten our mail since last Wednesday so we took that opportunity to get out and take a short trip to downtown Cedar Mountain. We were only the 2nd car to make the round trip out of our subdivision since the storm. Everybody is retired.