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The next blood drive at the Cedar Mountain FRD will be on June 18th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. It is recommended that you make an appointment with the Red Cross now. Make your appointment at


Following Monday night's potluck at the Cedar Mountain Community Center, members of the Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas in Brevard presented the history and formation of the museum along with an incredible video about the museum.

Founder, Emmett Caciato, (pictured) gave a history of how his dream of opening a museum honoring our veterans came to fruition. He had a large collection of artifacts and memorabilia that he wanted to share and persuaded other collectors to share their collections with the museum. The museum has extensive military memorabilia from World War I through the wars on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Veterans in attendance were applauded and honored for their service.

The museum is located next to the court house at 21 East Main St in Brevard. It is open Tuesday – Saturday from 11 am – 3 pm. For more information go to


Following the potluck on Monday, July 11th the Cedar Mountain Community Center program will feature Didi Salvador and her Quilts of Valor. A Quilt of Valor is a quality, handmade quilt that is machine or hand quilted. It is awarded to a Service Member or Veteran who has been touched by war. The Quilt says, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.”


This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes The Rev. Toni Pate. Toni is the Pastor of Trinity Church of Greenville, her beloved inter-denominational flock. The Stuckey family will provide wonderful selections of music.

Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest. Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message!


Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League results for June 13: Twelve women played the front nine and the game was even holes. The winner: Carol Mitchell. Low net: Sue Wojcik.


Sherwood Forest Friends is sponsoring a family-friendly square dance event and you are invited. Join us for a Shoofly Summers Square dance called by Susan Brown on Saturday, July 2nd from 6-9 pm at the Robin Hood Barn at Sherwood Forest. It’s only $5 per person so Do Si Do on down for a great fun evening.


To rent the center please contact us well before your event. Please send an email to with your proposed date as soon as possible. You may also apply online at

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


There was no notice on the Connestee Falls Fire Department doors this past Saturday saying why the scheduled pet Rabies clinic wasn’t happening. So I called WGCR radio, which had announced it all last week, and they gave me the phone number of “Animal Services” (the Animal Shelter that is apparently doing this clinic.) I called and left a message. Their phone number is (828)883-3713.

The East Fork Connestee Falls gate guard called someone from the Connestee fire department who reported that “the rabies clinic had been rescheduled to Saturday, June 25th”. I hope to confirm this in next week’s Cedar Mountain News. You may want to call the shelter yourself. Those who brought their pets to get vaccinated this past Saturday were disappointed; me too! I brought both of my older dogs for this year’s vaccines at a bargain of $10.00/shot!


We will be celebrating our 10th year of the annual “Mountain Gourd Gathering” at the Family Life Center here in Cedar Mountain after a two-year absence due to Covid concerns. The dates this year are August 11th, 12th & 13th. Classes will be posted this weekend at:

As the host, feel free to call me with any questions: (828)885-2103. Or email me at: Everyone is welcome to drop in during the 3-day event to see what can be done with the fabulous hard-shell gourds; free to drop in! There will again be thick, already-cleaned South Carolina gourds for sale out front, from Ghost Creek Gourd Farm (Lauren’s, SC), plus finished art gourds for sale indoors.


Rocky Hill Baptist Church holds its annual “Homecoming” on the 4th Sunday in August. This year’s date is August 28th. Homecoming starts at 10:30 am and is followed by a huge covered-dish lunch (drop off your ‘dish anytime after 10 am in the Family Life Center). Everyone is invited to Homecoming. You may contact the pastor of Rocky Hill church, Dr. Leland Holland, for more information or to leave your name & number if you want to perform. Their number is: (828)862-5611


The Heath Reunion will be held on Saturday, June 25th at the Rocky Hill Baptist Church Family Life Center in Cedar Mountain at 1 pm. Bring your favorite potluck foods for the table as we enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and history. The Taylor family is going to join the Heath family in this reunion so it will also be known as the Heath-Taylor Reunion.


Vacation Bible School will take place at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in Cedar Mountain on July 10, 11, and 12 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The theme this summer is Spark Studios. More information will be shared later.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We are still working on getting our motor home (the Infirmary) ready for our trip. We keep thinking of other things we need to take with us. This home-away-from-home gets 7 to 10 mpg so we shudder to think what the fuel cost is going to be. We had thought it would be cheaper to travel this way, but I think we would have saved money staying in motels. We are going anyway. Wish us luck and lots of tailwinds.


Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. We are here to make sure you know what is going on in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news. The deadline for submissions is Monday evening.


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