The Cedar Mountain Community Center will continue to use the Rocky Hill Baptist Church Family Life Center as needed until the end of March 2025. Hopefully, the center will be fully restored and updated by then.
The Hunger Coalition is a 501(c) (3) non-profit in Transylvania County, NC. Donations are used to provide food to the communities in Transylvania County. Hunger Coalition food distributions will be held this Thursday 1/23 and February 2/20, from 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM. Distributions will continue on the 3rd Thursday each month thereafter at the Rocky Hill Baptist Church Family Center in Cedar Mountain. No questions asked.
Brevard Readers Theater will be performing on Monday, February 3 at 2 pm at Silvermont Mansion. We will be performing several original plays by Tom Loveland as well as several other selections by other authors. There is no admission charge but donations will be appreciated to help pay for printing and prop costs.
Actors are Tom Loveland, Merlyn Collings, Julie Vorus, Jim Kimzey, Peter Rogine, Heidi Gilligan, Chet Wright, Judy Patrick, Vanessa Cowie, Buddy Tompkins and Caroline Winchester.
This will be a fun afternoon of humorous readings. We hope you can join us.
A blood drive will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department at 8725 Cascade Lake Road in downtown Cedar Mountain. To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Some drives may accept walk-ins, but they may have longer wait times.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
A surprise but short-lasting snowfall happened late Tuesday afternoon here in Cedar Mountain. Enough to brighten the snow in the yard but not enough to require a shovel thank goodness.
Not much news this week so I thought this poem about a snowflake might be timely.
I float downward from frosty heights, joining billions of others of my kind
in our journey to earth.
All of us alike but uniquely different - each of us a delicate pattern of crystals.
I glide, whirl, and then skid across an icebound creek to my final resting place on its bank.
For a while, all is silent and peaceful.
My neighbors and I glisten and bask in the bright winter sun.
But what's that? There is laughter in the distance!
Suddenly a group of children bursts over the bank carrying ice skates and shoving each other.
One reaches for me and my neighbors and scoops us up.
I am squished, patted, and squeezed into a ball and then find myself hurled at a tremendous speed across the creek toward an unsuspecting foe.
I hit a tree with a resounding splat and cling there wondering what else is in store for me.
The children continue down the creek tittering and scooping up more handfuls of snow to throw at each other.
I am forgotten and I am sad.
The sun warms and gradually I become a drop of moisture sliding down the tree, into the creek
to seek unknown destinations yet to come.
By Linda (Packer) Young
Note: The deadline to submit articles for the Cedar Mountain News is Monday night. If you think your contribution will be later than that you need to let me know. Email cedarmountainnews@gmail.com with all news. Photos need to be 900kb or more to be used in the paper.