Cedar Mountain News for Thursday 12-24-20
Thanks to all who gave blood on Saturday. There was a good turnout.
Even though you can’t see it, Cedar Mountain Fire auxiliary member Cindy Meffert has a big smile on her face as she does a double donation.
CANTATA A GREAT SUCCESS This year's Christmas cantata was performed last Sunday at Rocky Hill Baptist church with folks spacing themselves and therefore filling the pews. The choir, under the direction of Lenoir Bishop, lifted the spirits of all who listened; in person, on Facebook, or on the radio. It was a wonderful musical! Several types of Chili & cornbread were served cafeteria-style in the spacious Family Life Center next door following the cantata. There was quite an array of delicious desserts to choose from as well. The pastor of Rocky Hill, Dr. Leland Holland wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas! SERVICES AT ROCKY HILL CHURCH All are invited to attend a short Christine Eve Candlelight service at Rocky Hill Baptist Church this Thursday evening the 24th at 6 pm. Call (828) 862-5611 for more information. On Sunday, Dec. 27th Pastor, Matthew Jones will preach the morning service at 11 am. Matthew is visiting from Matthew’s, NC. He is the son of Christine Pace. AT ROCKY HILL CHURCH Proud grandma, Christine Pace, says it’s never too early to encourage young children to “give”. After a morning of baking cookies from scratch to serve following the Christmas cantata at Rocky Hill Baptist Church last Sunday we went outside where Cooper, using a light-weight leaf blower, “blew” hundreds of acorns off the sidewalk leading from the church parking lot to the Family Life Center. We both agreed. “We don’t want folks slipping on the acorns in the dark”.
I enjoyed singing the cantata with the Rocky Hill Baptist Church choir. We had a good turnout in spite of the pandemic. There were as many choir members as attendees.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas with their loved ones. May the New Year be a healthier happier one for all of us.
Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please email your news or any questions to Cedarmountainnews@Gmail.com by Monday evening.