The Cedar Mountain Community center is getting a serious upgrade. All new vinyl plank has been installed. It required a lot of heavy work to clear out the kitchen. All appliances and fixtures had to be removed for a proper flooring job. The planking is now wall to wall. A commercial dishwasher will be installed and a wall mounted sink will make cleaning easier. Thanks to Clint Owings and “gang” it looks incredible. Thanks guys.
To rent the Cedar Mountain Community center please contact Caroline Chambers at 828-290-9662 well before your event or you can send an email to cmcc28718@gmail.com with your proposed date. You may also apply online at https://www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace A GREAT YEAR, PRESENT & FUTURE We are in the last few days of 2022 and many new opportunities hopefully await the residents & families in or near Cedar Mountain, NC! We have grown, substantially, with great businesses right here, offering dining choices, musical entertainment, gift shopping, pottery, camping gear, moonshine education, art classes, flea markets, community gatherings, places of worship, and more. There’s hiking nearby, or mountain biking, with great photo ops near out beautiful waterfalls & mountain views. Yet we still don’t have a stop light (I’m not complaining). And we still don’t have cell phone coverage except in areas where a business has installed a booster box; thank you! Yet our impressive Fire Department keeps improving its equipment, thanks to donations from you! And new volunteers come forward to serve as a fireman or as a member of the Cedar Mountain Fire Department “Auxiliary”. We care about our beautiful piece of Transylvania County (some have written books about our history) and it shows. I’m wishing everyone reading this, whether you live here or not, a very happy & blessed New Year 2023! WITH GREAT SYMPATHY A longtime resident of Reasonover Rd., Chris Baines passed away the week before Christmas, following a sudden heart attack. About 10 year’s my junior, I consider him young. Please keep his family in your thoughts & prayers as they struggle to learn to live without his daily presence in their lives. Chris leaves behind a loving wife, Renee, a son Brandon, and daughter Katie. WINTER IS HERE Just in time for the official first day of winter, which was December 21st, the weather turned cold! Now though the days will (slowly) get longer. Spring will arrive March 30th, 2023. OUR PHOTO Did you see Linda’s & my photo next to the ‘Cedar Mountain News tag line last week? It should appear each week from now on; a suggestion of the Transylvania Times newspaper. Our photo (I’m on the left) was taken after practicing for Rocky Hill’s Christmas cantata. Both Linda & I sang in the tenor section. Many thanks to the photographer (my niece): Patty Stahl! JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Next week I hope to publish in this column names & dates of residents (or their families) celebrating a birthday, graduation, or wedding anniversary. If you feel I may not have “your” information please let me know at: chris_p_artist@yahoo.com or by calling (828) 885-2103 Thank you, Christine Pace.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
My honey and I decided to forgo Christmas presents to each other this year. We were surprised when a big box was delivered to the door from Santa a few days before Christmas. Wow. I guess he really is real. We were going to wait until Christmas morning to open it, but Santa sent one of his elves over the night it was 1 degree outside and she said to open the box now. To our surprise and delight it was an electric blanket. Just what my honey needed. He is sensitive to cold and I have nicknamed him Frosty the Snowman. He was as snug as a bug that night and ever since. Thanks, Santa.
We might rethink the gift giving next year. The Christmas tree looked kinda lonely.
Happy New Year to all
And may the New Year bring you peace, joy,
Good health and happiness.