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Cedar Mountain News for Thursday 4-8-21


As promised, the Warrior video that was reproduced by the UU Church will air during the service on April 18th at 10 am. They will go up on YouTube that same day at 11 am. The service was designed around the music to celebrate the power of women. Tune in.


On April 17th a blood drive will be held at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department from 8:30 am– 12:30 pm. Please come and help save a life. If you couldn’t make an appointment please come anyway. No one is turned away.


The auxiliary met Tuesday April 6th at 7 pm. The auxiliary meets the first Tuesday of every month. If you are interested in helping the fire department with fundraisers and assistance with refreshments at major fires please come.

Plans are to raise funds for a Jaws of Life, a powerful tool to aid in extrications from vehicles. A fundraising BBQ is in the works for May 29th at the fire station. Watch for updates.

Cedar Mountain News Co-writer, Christine Pace, was voted in as a new member Tuesday night. 3 others filled out applications. Welcome everyone.


Results for April 5: League play for the 2021 season started Monday with a Best Ball Scramble on the front nine. Next Monday's round will be played on the back nine as individual players. If you are interested in joining the league, contact Nancy Waclawek at for details. League play is on Mondays through October with tee times starting at 9:30 a.m. Players of all skill levels are welcome, from beginner to experienced.

Pictured is the winning team of Retha Lynch, Gloria Clouse, Rachel O'Neill, and Susan Marsee with a score of 26.



It's spring! Who isn't anxious to strap on their sneakers and get outside?

Registration opens for the Sherwood Forest Friends Get Up and Get Out Challenge on April 1. Run, ride, slither, swim or crawl to benefit the Sherwood Forest Friends (SFF) Scholarship Fund. This year the scholarship is being awarded to Dr. Robert Cabin's Sustainable Communities class at Brevard College. Anyone can get up and get out, wherever they are because the SFF hike n' bike is virtual! Sign up on (search for Sherwood Forest Friends Get Up and Get Out Challenge). Complete your miles between April 26 and May 16. Contact Diane: 828-966-3089.

We'll gather to Leave It Better on April 8. We'll be picking up trash at two DuPont parking lots. Transylvania County Tourism provides the tools. Our reward? A logo shopping bag or pint cup, a chance at a $2,500 grant for the Friends, the satisfaction of doing something good for in the larger 'hood, and some socially distanced time outdoors together. Additional dates, all Thursdays, are June 3, July 8, and September 9. Contact Susan: 301-862-9721.


At 3 p.m., families are invited to gather at Studio 276 for storytelling and Earth Day plantings. Download a coloring book by Shirl Thomas featuring critters of the forest!

Contact Carol: 828-877-5221 for more info.

For more information, visit


The Easter Egg hunt was well attended. It is wonderful to see so many participating in local events after a long hiatus caused by the pandemic. Watch for more events in the community.


Creekside plans to be open for Friday night gatherings starting in May.


It is with a heavy heart that I pass the news on that a most wonderful lady, a friend to all, Ann (Stone) Cleveland passed away this week. She will be greatly missed! Please keep her large & loving family in prayer. More about Ann’s exciting life and legacy will be written in an up-coming column (Christine).


Everything centered around Easter this past week for me; doors were open to all at Rocky Hill Baptist church the evening of Good Friday, and I spent some time there.

Our last “dress” rehearsal for this year’s Easter cantata was on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Open to the public, we had a good crowd, still allowing for social distancing. I was selected to be one-half of the narration team and was given my pages on the day of our rehearsal. But I like a challenge, and love narrating, so was happy to do so! Reading it through “cold” the first time, in the church nursery before climbing the choir loft, I felt more like a “plain white rapper”. This revelation is all it took to calm me. All went well; the Saturday visitors said everything sounded amazing!

After performing the Easter cantata on Easter morning many in attendance commented that we sounded like a large choir of over 40 great voices! We totaled only 16, including our incredibly talented choir director Lenoir Bishop.

I pray you each had a wonderful week of celebrating in your own way. Please let Linda or me know your good news!

AROUND THE HOUSE – by Linda Young

My refrigerator's defrost drain plugged up. I tried to correct this by manually defrosting it with a hairdryer twice. The second time I tried I left the hairdryer on too long and bubbled the floor of the freezer a bit. The ice was gone but not the problem. After that failed attempt I consulted YouTube. The repair looked simple enough but I called an appliance repair technician who fixed the problem in about 20 minutes. I told him about YouTube and he said "I get a lot of business from YouTube failures". Appliance repairman, Keith Mann, saved the day.

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well.

Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.



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