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A beautiful May is blooming all around us and that warm summer air is energizing! Music + Moonshine nights will start back at Cedar Mtn Moonshine/Studio276 on Friday, May 26 from 6-8 PM. It’s a free, family friendly, live music event every Friday through the end of summer--all you need is your own chair! Sarah Dearbaugh has been busy painting a mural on the side of her building that’s dedicated to Cedar Mountain. It’s packed with little scenes that will take the viewer down a very colorful memory lane! The mural is open for a swing-by selfie anytime. Enjoy!

We have parking lines! Thank you to Cedar Mtn Fire & Rescue for donating their retired hoses to the cause! We put them to good use and can already see the benefit of having a little extra structure (and added safety) in our parking lot. Looking forward to another summer in Cedar with you!

FIRE DEPARTMENT & AUXILIARY As preparations are once again underway for another BBQ lunch fund-raiser for & at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department it is great to see how the firefighters and members of the auxiliary have come together to work side-by-side in the planning & preparation of this big event. There is so much that needs to be coordinated and performed at just the right time for this lunch; also for the fire department’s popular pancake breakfasts, for blood drives, etc. New volunteers are always welcome! Call Candy Gray at (843) 991-2734 if interested. The BBQ lunch will be served on Memorial Day Saturday from 11:00am -2:00pm or until we run out. Pork butts are cooked in a large cooker all night then we “pull” the pork off the bones in the early morning. Everything served is homemade!


The Summer Sing-along at the McGaha Chapel on Hwy 276 will be held this year on Saturday,

June 3 at 2:30. We will once again gather in the Chapel, which was built in 1872, and sing the old songs that your great grandparents sang. Watermelon will be served on the grounds after the sing-along. This event is sponsored by the Transylvania County Historical Society and the Sherwood Forest and Cedar Mountain Communities. Shuttle service will be available from the Sherwood Forest Center parking lot to the Chapel. More information will be in next week’s column.


On Friday, August 11th, the attendees of the Mountain Gourd Gathering have been invited to a Fish Fry outdoors at the Creekside Market here in Cedar Mountain! Music will be provided too. Dinner starts at 6:00PM. The Fish Fry is also open to the public, so mark your calendar for a fun night of good food and great fellowship with gourd art enthusiasts visiting from all over the Southeast Wendy, of Creekside, would like a head-count if possible. She can be reached at (828) 885-2810.


League Results for May 15. Twelve women played the very wet back nine under cloudy skies. The game was closest to the pin on #13. Winner: Elaine Gerwe. Low net: Carolyn Navarra. Low gross: Nancy Waclawek. Next week we play the front nine and the game is drop the worst hole. See you next Monday. Sign in at 8:30 a.m., play starts at 9.

BOOKMOBILE The Transylvania county Library has a Bookmobile that visits the putter regions of the county at regular intervals. The Bookmobile travels to Sherwood Forest, parking near the barn, the 2nd Thursday of each month, where it remains from 2:00 to 3:30pm. It then goes up the road to the parking lot of the Cedar Mountain Community Center where it stays from 4:00 to 6:00pm. You may call the Library at (828)884-3151 for more information.

OBITUARY 2-Star Brigadier General Charles Landon Bishop, 84, passed away on May 9th at his home in San Antonio, Texas. One of 8 children born & raised here in Cedar Mountain, Charles spent all his years following college protecting & bettering our country. Thank you General Bishop! His parents were William & Addie Bishop; brother Carl Bishop & sister Margarita Thompson also preceded Charles in death. Surviving brothers are Bill, Art, Stan, Harry, & Dennis Bishop. Growing up in Cedar Mountain Charles played with all the local children, including Joe & Doug Pace, who have shared many fond and fun memories. In his many years in the United States Air Force Charles traveled over 1,200 miles by plane, spending years overseas, and contributed greatly to our homeland security. Upon retiring he settled in San Antonio, Texas. Charles was scheduled to speak in Brevard on Memorial Day at the Veteran’s Museum. He was really looking forward to that. Brigadier General Charles L. Bishop’s Texas family include his wife of 60 years Earla Bishop and their 2 sons Lane & Troy; 2 daughter-in-laws who Charles spoke highly of, and several grand children. A Memorial Service was held on Thursday of this week, in San Antonio, Texas. Well done General Bishop. CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

GRADUATIONS Pictured here is Cassi Harris, granddaughter of Christine Pace who took this picture at her college graduation last Friday in Virginia. Cassi will stay to earn her Masters in Public Health. Graduating from Brevard High School on June 9th will be Cassi’s little sister Calla Harris, Christine’s youngest granddaughter!

YOUR CELEBRATIONS If you have family or friends (or you) planning a celebration; graduation, birthday, wedding or anniversary, please email Christine Pace at

CHARLES L. BISHOP Having been such a good friend to my Joe, Charles Bishop (see obit above) became my friend too over the years when he would return to Cedar Mountain for the annual Bishop reunion. He had a great singing voice too! A smart though modest man, Charles had a ready smile and a kindness that always came through. Prayerfully he & Joe are sharing stories again now in heaven.


A gourd “patch” is a gathering of gourd art enthusiasts in a smaller, local area. These patch meetings usually happen once a month, where members share their knowledge & ideas on what can be created using the hard-shell gourd. Everything from painting, carving, weaving, Pyrography (wood burning) and sculpting on gourds is demonstrated. Patch members often join in and try new methods, or demonstrate their own style. Always fun! For years the nearest gourd patch to Cedar Mountain has been in Greenvile, SC and now meets in Greer; called the “Palmetto Gourd Patch”. Now a few locals have come together to form a local patch that will meet in Brevard and/or Cedar Mountain, NC. Our first “official” meeting is this Thursday afternoon at member Lisa Mohr’s home in Brevard. Using fancy napkins and rice papers we will be decoupaging small gourd ornaments. Want to join us next month? Let me know by calling (828)885-2103 or email me at: We are in the process of starting a new gourd "patch", to be called the "Mountain Gourd Patch"(a division of French Broad). Patch members meet once a month and learn various techniques, and/or share what they know with others! Please email Lisa above or me at if interested in joining our patch.

In August the 11th annual “Mountain Gourd Gathering” will be held in the spacious Family Life Center here in Cedar Mountain. This 3-day show draws teachers & students from all over the Southeast. Dates are August 10, 11, & 12th. To get on our mailing list please email Lisa Mohr at Next month from June 7th thru 11th the largest gourd show in the South takes place at the huge Event’s Center in Waynesville, NC (previously held in Cherokee). More info can be found at

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We have begun to get bids on replacing our claw foot tub with a walk-in shower. We gasped at the first estimate which included replacing the vanity etc. Nix on that. We also had highly recommended retired contractor come. He took measurements and said he’d get back with us. Haven’t heard from him since. That was 2 weeks ago. Another bath fitter is coming Friday but we will only be replacing the tub with the shower. Nothing else unfortunately unless we can get a more reasonable estimate. Another business called Tuesday night and had no idea what a claw foot tub was. He kept asking me what kind of “pan” it had. I told him to call me back another day.


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