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MOTHERS DAY MAY 8th Happy Mother’s Day to all moms’ out there; happy birthday on Mother’s Day too to Christine Pace!


Our next Potluck and program will be held May 9th at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. All are welcome. Please bring food to share and have it on the serving tables by 6:15p. Serving will begin at 6:30p.

Kalen Lawson will be our speaker. She is the Grants Manager responsible for secure funding for BrevardMusic Center including grant research, writing, tracking, and reporting. She is a Community Impact Manager partnering with other area nonprofits and community groups to build relationships and a greater Brevard area community. Her program will begin at approximately 7p.


Are you interested in kids Tae Kwon Do on the mountain? Or just interested in kids activities in general? Please fill out this survey: and let us know your kid’s ages, whether they're interested in martial arts, and when would be a good time for activities. We're looking to see if there's enough interest to put together a small class in the fall. Also, if you just want to be in the loop about future kid-specific activities, fill in the survey with your kid’s info and we'll know who to notify about fun events at the Canteen, Studio 276, the Community Center, and more. Submitted by Caroline Chambers

SHERWOOD FOREST FAIRE Saturday May 14th from 9am-4pm is the date & time for the Sherwood Forest Faire. Your treasure awaits you there!


Come on down for delicious BBQ plates at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department on Saturday May 28th. The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department Auxiliary will begin serving at 11 am and will last until we run out of BBQ, or until 2 pm whichever comes first. Eat inside or take out a great BBQ. Requested donation is $12.00 per plate or per lb. Thank you for your participation.

We want you to see what your previous donations have meant, so far, for the fire department and the community. We hope to have extrication equipment, paid for by your donations, on display. Your donations will go toward additional needed equipment.


The next blood drive at the Cedar Mountain FRD will be June 18th. It is recommended that you make an appointment with the Red Cross very soon. As of 4-3-22 fourteen appointments were still available. Make your appointment now at


Sherwood Forest Women's golf league results for April 25 - Sixteen women played the back nine in a game of Two Best Balls. The winning team: Georgia Osterc, Lois Bollini, Patty Pike and Sandra Eidson. Low net: Georgia Osterc with 26.

Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League results for May 2: Seventeen women played the front nine in a team game called 1, 2, 3 Waltz. The winning team was: Georgia Osterc, Nancy Shoemaker and Sandy Eidson with 65. Low net: Nancy Waclawek with 23. Low gross: Georgia Osterc with 34. Next week we play the back nine in a game called "Just Play Golf." Sign in at 8:30, play starts at 9.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace DOG SHOWS There are two dog shows this month and I have entered my “Rockefeller” into the 4-6 month old puppy confirmation class on Sunday, May 29th, just for fun & socialization. Rocky will eventually earn a title in obedience. This AKC sanctioned show will be held at the WNC Ag Center on hwy. 280/Airport Rd. in Fletcher, and runs from May 26-30th. Learn more at:

The Little River community is holding a just-for-fun dog show at their community center on May 14th from 10am-2:00pm, with a rain date of May 21st. Categories for this show are such things as whose dog looks most like their owner, whose dog obeys the most commands, cutest costume, etc. For more information call Taylor Mackey at: (828)226-0508

MAY CELEBRATIONS BIRTHDAYS: Celebrating their birthdays this month are Dawn Skerrett on May 2nd; Arthur Bishop and Patricia Smith on the 3rd; Cindy Greene on the 5th; Daniela Araujo-Jones, Rick Williams, Elisa Pace, and Barbara Streeper on the 6th. May 7th is the birth date of Rob Travis, Suzanne Larson, and Candy Gray. Mother’s Day, May 8th, is my birthday (Christine Pace). Catherine Ritch gets a year older on May 9th and Tony Hemphill on the 10th. May 13th is Megan Owens Bryan’s birthday; May 17th is Hank Bayles. May 18 is Megan Bishop Raines’ special day. On May 22nd Calvin Guffey will be celebrating, and rounding off the May birthdays is Judy Barksdale, May 30th. Happy birthday to you! ANNIVERSARIES: May 4th is the wedding anniversary for Joe & Jane VanHook; same date for James & Joee Taylor. Clint & Beth Owens will celebrate on May 15th; Tony & Dianne (Lee) Hemphill on the 31st. Best wishes & congratulations! If you have a May birthday, anniversary, or graduation announcement please email it to me, Christine Pace, at: Thank you!


The center is becoming very busy. To rent the center please contact us well before your event. Please send an email to with your proposed date as soon as possible. You may also apply online at

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

My honey and I just learned about my all-class high school reunion on July 9th on the far side of Iowa. We are planning to give The Infirmary (motor home) a workout with a trip there. We figured we’d go early and celebrate the 4th with friends and relatives in Illinois. However, we were almost too late getting reservations at campgrounds for the holiday weekend. Most are completely booked already. My honey spent hours contacting campgrounds along the way before we were finally able to find places to camp.

The all-class reunion will be held in my small home town, Bronson, Iowa. We were lucky enough to be allowed to use the local park for free when we get there. One of my classmates called the mayor and made arrangements. Thanks Mary. When I say small town, my graduating class had 7 girls and 7 boys.


We don’t go out at night very often, but decided to attend the entertainment at the Cedar Mountain Canteen Monday night. It was a “hoot”. The yard was jammed but we lucked out finding a bench right in front of the band. There was a lot of foot stomping, clapping and hooting as the crowd showed their appreciation for Owen Grooms and the Mark Queen band!

Cedar Mountain has become quite the entertainment venue with Studio 276, Back Porch, Out Post and the Canteen all providing us with great entertainment. Check their websites for details.


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