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Cedar Mountain Curb Market and Farms of the 1950s and 60s.

The Cedar Mountain Curb Market opened on June 23, 1956, in its new building located

on Greenville Highway and beside the Community Center. The building still stands today and reminds the year-round and summer residents of the Tuesday and Saturday mornings when we gathered there to see and be seen, to sell and purchase local produce and baked goods, and to catch up on the local news.

Please join us on Wednesday June 26th at 2 pm for the Fireside Chat at the Cedar Mountain Community Center as we revisit those days with stories and photos as shared by Beth Owings and Patty Stahl. The refreshments served will feature baked goods made from some of the original recipes of the Cedar Mountain ladies. Be prepared to share your memories of the food and fun at the market!

The opening of the market was reported in the edition of The Transylvania Times published on June 21, 1956, as follows. “The new Cedar Mountain Curb Market will open Saturday, June 23, with Mrs. Donald MacFarland and Mrs. Mark Crosswell as co- chairman. The Curb Market will feature garden-fresh vegetables, pies and cakes, jellies and jams, country eggs, fryers, and all sorts of needlework. The market will be open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8:30 A.M. to 12 noon.”


The descendants of Janie and Solomon Jones will gather for their annual reunion on July 4 at the Cedar Mountain Community Center.  Please bring your covered dish by noon for a delicious sharing of the noon meal by the many good cooks in the family. Drinks and ice will be provided.  Melody has suggested we spend some time in the afternoon sharing our early memories of Solomon and Janie.  All family and friends are invited tor join us.  Melody has some exciting information to share about our great uncle Solomon Jones the Road Builder.


Please note that the next Cedar Mountain Potluck Dinner will be on Tuesday July 9th.

Our presenter will be Yvonne McCall-Dickson. Yvonne McCall-Dickson is a local historian and published author. One of her main interests is the history of the Cherokee Indian. Yvonne has spent many years studying the Cherokee, learning the language, researching historical documents, and collecting artifacts. Yvonne will speak on the Seven Clans of the Cherokee, how their matrilineal society worked, and their relationship with Transylvania County.


Plans are in the works for tricommunity flea market event for Sept 14th.  It will include the Sherwood Forest, See Off and Cedar Mountain Communities.  Watch for details.


The Cedar Mountain Community Center will be a new food distribution location for the Hunger Coalition of Transylvania County.  They will distribute food every third Thursday of the month, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm, beginning Thursday July 18, 2024 from 3pm to 5pm no questions asked.  You can even pick up food for someone else who needs it.

Volunteers are needed to help with the food distribution on those days.  If you are interested, or want more information, please get in touch with Ellen Meyer at 239-851-2767.

This is not just for Cedar Mountain Residents.  Absolutely everyone is welcome.  We are hopeful this new distribution location will bring some much needed assistance to our communities.  Please share this with your neighbors and friends who may be interested in volunteering… or need occasional help getting food for their family.


The kick-off event for the Transylvania County 2050 Comprehensive Plan was held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on June 12th. From deep-rooted residents to business and land owners, the meeting witnessed a stellar turnout that spoke volumes to the future shaping of Cedar Mountain and surrounding areas.  

This event marked the first of three phases for project planning and engagement to happen over the course of a year throughout the county. The plan identified four relatively broad focus areas: Economic, Environmental, Land Use & Livability and Culture, Health & Equity. More specific to Cedar Mountain, attendees were able to voice county & neighborhood concerns such as school funding, affordable housing, future roadwork at the Cascade Lake/ 276 intersection and basic planning objectives that are actionable for the now and future.  

During the meeting, Kit Garren delivered a heartfelt reflection on our community's legacy, speaking highly of its rich history and the values that have shaped our identity. Garren's words resonated deeply, emphasizing the importance of honoring and preserving our traditions and achievements. It’s what makes us, US. 

Thank you to all of our attendees who took time today to share ideas and talk about the future of Cedar Mountain. If you missed this opportunity to hear Phase one of the Comprehensive Plan, there are 6 more events happening in June at Community Centers around the county. Please visit for more details. 


Welcome to Rocky Hill Baptist Church!  Come worship us as we welcome Jimmy Burress, retired pastor from Boylston Baptist on Sunday, June 23, and Brad Bird with Marketplace Ministries located in Columbia, SC on June 30.  On June 30 we will observe the Lord’s Supper and have a potluck lunch following the service. If you haven't heard, the cooking around here is legendary, so come and share lunch with us!

Sunday morning service begins at 11:00a.  We have adult Sunday school class led by Mr. Oliver Skerrett, Jr., which begins at 10:00a.  Children's Sunday school is provided as well. On Wednesday evenings, we meet for participant led prayer.  It would be our privilege to lift up your concerns.  If you are new to Cedar Mountain, check us out.  We would love to meet you!


Left to Right:  Jim Bollini (overall winner), Tim Johnston, Eric Stephenson, Roger Bryan, and Gregg Kirby.  Tim is shown presenting Jim Bollini with an original Masters Golf Towel.


Twenty-two golfers turned out Monday to play the front nine in an individual game of "Low Putts." Game winner: Tina Nutty. Low net: Lois Bollini. Low gross: Tina Nutty.

Next week we will play the back 9 in a game called "Mulligan Monday." It's an individual game allowing each golfer one mulligan. Please be at the course by 8:30 a.m. for our 9 a.m. start. If you're running late, call the clubhouse at 828-884-7825 to let us know you're on your way. Also, if rain threatens, watch for emails from Sue Wojcik or another board member about whether the course is open (or call the clubhouse). Follow us on Facebook (Sherwood Ladies Golf) to see photos and more information about our league.


Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM.  We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest.  Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message!

On June 23rd, we welcome The Rev. Elizabeth Roles.  Rev.Roles was called to serve as the rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in January 2021.  Born and raised in Charleston, W.Va., Roles holds a Master of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University, an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Tufts University, and a diploma in Anglican Studies from General Theological Seminary. She and her 12-year-old son Thomas Mauldin-Roles are now living in Brevard along with their dog, Jet, and their cat, Kitty.

Britnee Siemon will be the soloist.  Mezzo-soprano, Dr. Siemon, is a versatile performer, teacher, director, conductor, and scholar.  Her accomplishments include premieres of early and modern works, a debut at Jordan Hall in Boston, and numerous international appearances.  


“Heavenly Helping Hands Ladies” & Rocky Hill Baptist Church missions invite everyone to a Christmas In July party at the Cedar Mountain House (nursing home), on July 12th.  Drop-in is from 1-3pm.  This party is to gather “Christmas” items now, for Shoebox ministries through the Samaritan’s Purse ministries.  A group of residents, and outside helpers, plan this out all year, and find that getting an early start removes some of the burdens of doing this in November & December.  Plus, the residents love your visit!     

Admission to the party is your donation of a gift for a girl or boy, ages 2 to 14.  Cash donations are accepted as well.  Come out and see videos of children receiving a shoebox in the past! Music, games & refreshments will be offered.  Learn how these shoebox gifts are assembled too.  Included in each box is the Plan of Salvation, along with a copy of The Christmas Story.  For more information please leave a message directed to Joy Murr, by calling Rocky Hill Baptist Church at (828) 862-5611.  A donation box will be set up at the church and at Cedar Mountain House for those who are unavailable on the date & time listed above.  Thank you!


A very brief observation this week from Christine Pace.


It’s been years since I was agile enough to do or act like a 20-year-old.  Now, several years older (ahem), I surprised myself when a wheelchair-bound gentleman in line ahead of me dropped a tissue; I immediately bent to retrieve it, which ended up in a “squat” as this man spoke in appreciation of my thoughtfulness.  Really?  All the while I was in this squat I was thinking “How am I going to get back up?”  Gracefully.  I didn’t even know I could squat anymore!     

Happily standing once again, I thanked the gentleman for his kind words, brushing them off though by saying “I wanted to get the tissues up before my pups got hold of it.”  Still, I was proud of my newfound accomplishment.  But … never again!

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

My honey and I were not impressed by the 2050 plan presentation at the CMCC.  More clarity is needed.  Many others agreed.

We stopped at Sundaze Gardens at 1200 Old Hendersonville Hwy, in Brevard Sunday afternoon.  If you haven’t been there go check it out.  The garden offerings are outstanding.  We bought a perennial and got some marigolds to go with it.  Now just need the energy to give them a proper burial (i.e. transplant).


Note:  The deadline to submit articles for the news is Monday night.  If you think you will be later than that you need to let me know.  Email with any news.  Photos need to 900kb or more to be used in the paper.



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