Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services, held on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest. Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message! This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes The Rev. Dr. Pamela Cole. Pamela is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (ECO) and her goal for ministry is to serve Christ and to be conformed to his image. Patrick Stark will provide wonderful selections of music.
Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League results for July 11: Eighteen women played the front nine in a game of scores on the par-4 holes. Winner: Carol Mitchell. Low net: Elaine Gerwe.
To rent the center please contact us well before your event. Please send an email to cmcc28718@gmail.com with your proposed date as soon as possible. You may also apply online at https://www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com/rental.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
HOMECOMING Rocky Hill Baptist Church will hold their “Homecoming” the 4th Sunday in August; August 28th. Homecoming starts at 10:30 that morning (no Sunday school that day) followed by a covered dish lunch. Everyone is invited! For more information please call Rocky Hill’s pastor, Dr. Leland Holland, at (828)862-5611
NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
My class reunion was sorta sad and sorta happy too. I saw some “kids” I hadn’t see since high school including a gentleman friend. He was the brother of my best friend and had asked her to ask me to the prom. I said he’d have to ask me himself and he shyly did. We were friends from then on. It was good to see him.
The sad things were that we decided that this was our last school reunion. The school closed in 1962 so graduates of our age are getting fewer and fewer. However approximately 100 attended this final reunion. The oldest was 96.
My graduating class of 1961 consisted of 7 girls and 7 boys. Only 3 of the girls and 3 of the boys survive. 4 of us were at the reunion. One sent photos because he couldn’t attend.
The school opened in 1917. My mother attended from kindergarten through high school graduation there and so did I. The school closed before my sister could graduate from the same school too. She was disappointed.
An empty lot and a basically empty town exist. I remember there being 2 grocery stores, 2 gas stations, a lumber yard, a garage, a bank, a hardware. a drug store, post office, “Central” which was a telephone operator who placed calls for those on party lines. There was also an insurance and a doctor’s office. The hardware store’s owner wrote the town news. The hardware store had a popcorn machine that they fired up for the outdoor movies we had on Main Street in the summer. All are gone.
One recognizable building was the Presbyterian Church which is beautifully maintained. A feed store was still standing but ready to go down. Another was the home I grew up in. My dad and grandfather built it after the original burned down. It was still hanging in there.
The only life we saw as we drove around the town was a kid on a bicycle. Otherwise it was a ghost town of ugly newer buildings. There was a newer grade school and newer fire station.
The town is (was) Bronson, Iowa.